I have finally completed the largest task of all my life:
Reading Shopaholic and Baby.

I have restarted that book about...5 times...but I finally finished it! And now I am currently onto the next!
I was sad to see that because I took forever to read Shopaholic and Baby, I found out that she had a girl. :(
But let me tell you...I want a man like Luke Brandon.
You see Becky was so excited to try a new obstetrician who delivered all of the celebrities' babies in London and New York.
She soon found out that Venetia (the doctor) used to date Luke.
So basically Becky worries that Venetia is trying to steal Luke from her and she's right.
But man oh man, you should have seen (read) the way Luke stood up for Becky when Venetia was talking crap about her in front of EVERYONE. He totally cussed her out and put her in her place!
Also, Becky's old friend Danny (who became a famous fashion designer) created a shirt in honor of Becky and it read "She's a red headed bitch and I hate her!" Of course the shirt below says Blonde, but he created blonde and brunette shirts as well. :)